Cost to Build an App like gaze live streaming app

Building an app like Gaze, a live streaming platform, involves several cost components.The primary expenses include development, design, backend infrastructure, server and bandwidth costs, and maintenance.

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like gaze live and features

gaze live streaming app

Posted By : Deepank Joshi,  Posted Date : Jun 26, 2024

About gaze live streaming app

Are you thinking of getting an app developed like Gaze that allows video calling? Then you must surely be worried about how to start and what the cost of getting an app developed like Gaze will be. Your mind must be struggling day and night to find answers to these questions. But do not worry any further, as Duplex Technologies will help you build live video apps. We are a team of experts that can build your dream app very efficiently and at reasonable rates. Duplex Technologies has a team of the best app developers that will put in the latest technologies to build a user-friendly app for your customers. 

Duplex Technologies is one of the best video streaming app development companies. We are an app development company and have served a lot of customers, and we understand all their needs. We also make sure that the app development cost suits your budget. Before getting into the how’s and what’s, let's first understand how Gaze works.Gaze is a video chat app that allows its users to connect with anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. You can easily connect with the person via video conferencing to discuss anything, be it work or personal stuff. We all understand the power of having connections. And with the help of the Gaze app, you can easily build connections with anyone from around the world. You can easily stay connected with people in this virtual world.

How to Build a video chat app like Gaze?

There is a detailed process that goes into developing a video conferencing app like Gaze. A lot of things are considered before finalising the video call app. Let’s look at the steps that follow:

  1. A thorough market research: Before building a profitable video conferencing app, our team sits with you to do in-depth research on the popular video conferencing apps that already exist in the market. We also try to find out the gaps existing in the market and make sure to come up with effective solutions. Our team at Duplx Technologies ensures that your app is problem-solving-relevant. To build a profitable business, we understand that we must first try to solve a problem that really exists, and when that is done, customers will gradually come because they find it relevant and worth their time. 
  2. Build an App: After the research, the next step is finding out the best technology that can be used to make the app responsive and user-friendly. We ensure that the app is easy to use and has a good interface so that there is no hesitation among the users in downloading and using the app. We try to build the video conferencing app with the best available technologies to ensure that the app performs nicely. You might feel that putting in a lot of tech is increasing the budget, but believe us, it proves to be profitable in the long run. 
  3. Implementation of applications: Our team of app developers puts in all efforts to create the app. They will explain the technology used and all its features. Every feature and functionality put in will make the app perform at its best. 
  4. Testing the App: After the app is finally built, the next step is testing the app under pressure conditions to see its actual performance. We need to be 100 percent satisfied with the performance before we finally decide to launch the app for your customers. 

Launching the Application: Only after the application has successfully passed all the pressure tests do we decide to launch on the iOS and Android app development levels, indicating the end of the development process.

What are the costs of developing a video chat app like Gaze?

The cost of building an app like Gaze depends on a lot of factors, like the features and functionalities used, the platform used, the technology used, and a few other things. The costs can also vary according to the location in which you want your app to function. We have roughly tried to summarise the application development cost for you in the table given below: 




United Kingdom

$90 - $250


$119 - $150

United States of America

  $150 - $180

Middle East Asia

$100 - $120

To hire an app developer in India

$15 - $75

South East Asia

$50 - $75

Essential Technology Stack required to make a video chat app like Gaze

  • FRONTEND: Varnish Software, Phpfpm, React
  • BACKEND: Redis, Apache Tomcat, and Django
  • CLOUD SERVICES: Docker, Pagerduty, Nagios, Jfrog Artifactory, Pingdom, EFK, CHEF

Why should you choose Duplex Technologies for app development services?

Duplex Technologies is one of the top-notch app development companies that can help you with on-demand app development services. We excel at creating corporate video conferencing apps and integrating them with a lot of features to make your app the best in the store. 

 If you are looking for someone to help you build your video conferencing app within your budget and according to your choices, then Duplex Technologies can be your perfect match. We have built a lot of video conferencing apps, and we understand the best way to build an app for video conferencing. With Duplex Technologies on board, you get:

  • A team of expert developers will build your dream app
  • In-depth market research to make your app the best
  • Competitor analysis to put in the best features
  • Best technology stack supports
  • Full support during and after the app development process
  • App development that suits your budget 

Apart from all the benefits, the best thing about Duplex Technologies is that we not only make mobile apps, but we also specialise in custom app development. We can be your best app developers. Try our services for once, and you are sure to come back for more.

About mobile app development software company

With Duplex Technologies, you can easily and efficiently create a video conferencing app that caters to the needs and requirements of your customers. Providing excellent customer service is our motto, and we make every effort to make your dream come true. We have a team of professional developers that make the app development process smooth without making a hole in your pocket. We can say that we provide the best services at reasonable costs. We are the best mobile app development software company.

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FAQs Related To Cost to Build an App like gaze live streaming app

A1. There are a lot of things that determine the cost of app development. Video conferencing app development is not very costly, and it can be built easily into your budget. Connect with Duplex Technologies to learn more.

A2. If you are planning to get an app developed like Gaze, then there are a lot of factors that determine the cost. The more technical the app, the higher the cost. Connect with Duplex Technologies to understand the app development costs and process in detail. We will understand your budget first and then suggest a cost-effective solution for you.

A3. Creating an app like Gaze would take substantial time as there is a detailed process to be followed, like market research, technology integrations, and testing. Building a good-performing app takes time but when it is ready, it will earn you good profit.

A4. Yes, taking into account the needs of our generation, a good video conferencing app is in great demand. We need video conferencing for work, studies, and personal needs, so it is definitely a profitable business.

A5. Duplex Technologies is one of the top-notch companies that can help in building an app for video conferencing. We excel at providing the best features at reasonable prices.


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