How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Eruditus

Are you looking to hire the best developers to build an app like Eruditus? Look no further and contact Duplex Technologies.

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How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Eruditus

Posted By : Adarsh Mishra,  Posted Date : Jul 01, 2024

Introduction: Build an app like Eruditus

Education being imparted through digital means is becoming popular these days. So if you are thinking to build an app like Eruditus, then now is the correct time. Education is always an important thing when it comes to the development of a nation. So imparting education digitally so that a lot of students can benefit from this is an exception step. There are a lot of applications that have similar features of Eruditus app, so before building another app, we need to do thorough research. Let's look in detail below at what Eruditus provides to its users and what it costs to create an app like Eruditus. 

About Eruditus

Eruditus is like an education apps for students. It helps them learn new things and trains them for a professional journey. It enables the learners to learn from anywhere in the world. These types of apps are becoming really popular these days. There are a few similar apps like Eruditus that already exist on the market, so we have to be very smart in a new mobile app development like Eruditus. In this article, we have also attempted to cover the app development cost and the features that determine the cost to build an app. Our team has some of the best best app developers who can help you understand everything step by step. 

How do you build an app like Eruditus?

There is a detailed process that goes into developing an app like Eruditus. We have explained everything below:

The first step in creating any new app should be to browse existing, comparable apps on the market. This helps us identify what features we can add to our software to make it stand out from the competition by comparing the aspects that are now good. Identifying a differentiator is quite helpful, as it enables you to focus on the issues that users are having when marketing your app. It will be easier to help users use our product as a result. It will also immediately create buzz, which will result in successful application downloads.  

The second step in developing an online real estate app is choosing the right platform. To make sure the app lasts longer, it is essential to get professional help while choosing the right platform. You have to understand how important it is to use cutting-edge technologies. The long-term advantages will offset any potential increase in expenses related to creating an app similar to Eruditus. Your product should also be cross-platform compatible, meaning it should work on Windows, iOS, and Android, in order to attract a large user base.   

The app should have great design since that will be what attracts users in the beginning. Make sure the interface is as user-friendly as possible as well. 

The next step is to use the right technology. The application should operate at peak efficiency. You should also make sure the application is very responsive to promote user engagement.   

After the application is complete, it should be evaluated under various pressure scenarios to determine how well it functions. The application shouldn't be released across platforms for user download until it has successfully completed all testing.  

The software should be made accessible for download on multiple sites, including the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, after it has received satisfactory testing.

Team required to build an app like Eruditus

We have summarised the team required to build an app like Eruditus below so that you can hire professionals according to your requirements.


mobile app developers

UI/UX designer

Project manager

DevOps engineer

Front-end developer

Web developer

Back-end developer

Business analyst

What are the costs of developing an app like Eruditus?

The cost to build app like Eruditus depends on different factors, like the nation, the platform it is produced on, the size of the team, the technology used, and a few more. The most important thing to keep in mind is that your app's long-term success will only be enhanced by investing in a talented staff and state-of-the-art technology. 




United Kingdom

$90 - $250


$119 - $150

United States of America

  $150 - $180

Middle East Asia

$100 - $120

To hire an app developer in India

$15 - $75

South East Asia

$50 - $75

Why choose Duplex Technologies for mobile app development?

There are several reasons to use Duplex Technologies when developing apps that resemble educational apps like Eruditus. Our highly qualified and reasonably priced IT staff will put in endless hours to build you an online Eruditus application. We pledge to support you at every stage of the app development process and to be there for you in the event that issues do, unavoidably, arise later on. We are the most trustworthy and reasonably priced mobile app development firm. After using our mobile app development services once, you'll want to use them again and again. We assure you that we have served a lot of our customers and they regard us as the best mobile app development company. Try our mobile application development services and we are sure that you will like them. 


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FAQs Related To How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Eruditus

Eruditus is like an education app for students. It helps them learn new things and trains them for a professional journey. It enables the learners to learn from anywhere in the world.

Duplex Technologies is the best mobile app development company. They can help you build your own app on a pocket-friendly budget.

The time depends on a lot of factors, like the features used, the technology used, and the capability of the developers that you have hired.

Technology stack to develop an app like Eruditus: Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS, Back end: Node.js, Express.js, Database: MongoDB, Payment gateway: Square API.

Duplex Technologies is the best mobile app development company that provides the best mobile app development services at reasonable costs.


We are delivering business solutions at every stage.
We would be happy to discuss your idea or project with you in person.