How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Zeta and Features

Are you looking for the best digital wallet app like Zeta? Duplex Technologies provides the best app development services. Call us now at +91-9452000089.

How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Zeta and Features?

How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Zeta and Features

Posted By : Mohd Rahil,  Posted Date : Jan 12, 2024

Introduction of online payment platform like Zeta

Are you searching for a mobile app development company to develop an app like Zeta? Then look no further; Duplex Technologies is the best mobile app development company that has the best developers. We provide the best app development services at very reasonable prices. We are living in these times of technology where we have applications for everything. You want to place an order for groceries; there is an app; you want to order cleaning services; there is an app; you want to book a taxi service; there is an app. So while we order these services online, why not pay for them online with the help of a digital wallet? This is exactly what Zeta does. It is complete solution for all your payment needs. You can make all your payments through Zeta and also monitor all your expenses. These apps have made our lives so organised and simple. We can have records of everything without putting in the effort of noting them down. So if you are thinking to build app like Zeta, then now is the perfect time. 

But before we get into the details of Zeta mobile app development and Zeta app creation costs, let us see what Zeta is and what services it provides to its users. 

About Zeta

Zeta is an online platform that caters to all the payment needs of its users. We can make transactions online and develop a whole digital wallet in Zeta. It is a complete solution for our payments. If you are also thinking of building an app like Zeta, now is the perfect time. Our team at Duplex Technologies has the best mobile app developers who will help build a perfect app. Let us now look into the detailed process. 

How do you build a digital wallet like Zeta?

It is very easy and efficient to build an app like Zeta. We have a team of experienced developers that follow a process and help create the perfect app for you. Let us take a detailed look at all the steps:

  1. The first step is to research the market. In this, we find all the apps similar to Zeta and find out what the existing problems are with these applications. Our team sits with you to find a solution and see how we can implement it in our application at an affordable cost. Once we figure out this, it becomes very easy to advertise our application, as now we can pick up on these pain points and advertise how our app solves this issue. This helps our app become popular, and users will download it. 
  2. The next step is deciding on the platform on which to build our app. We must make sure that our app is compatible with different platforms, like Android, iOS, and Windows, so that it attracts a large number of users. Our team helps you with that, and we together found the best platform to build your app. 
  3. The next thing is figuring out the best and latest technology. There are a lot of technological updates daily, so we need to find what is suitable for our app and also falls within our budget, We must keep in mind that the technology should be the best part in our app, although it might increase costs in the beginning, but it proves to be very beneficial in the long run. 
  4. The next part is the design of the application. It should be appealing to the users so that they download it. Also, the app should be highly responsive, and it should have the capacity to engage the user. 
  5. When the application has been finally developed, it should be tested under multiple pressure conditions to see its performance. Only when the application passes all the tests successfully should it be launched on different platforms so users can download it. 
  6. After the app has been successfully tested, it should be launched on different platforms, like the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, so that users can download it. 

Team required to build an app like Zeta

We have tried to specify the team that is essential to building an app like Zeta. Make sure you hire professionals in the industry so that your app building process is very smooth and the users enjoy using the application. 

mobile app developers

UI/UX designer

Project manager

DevOps engineer

Front-end developer


Back-end developer

Business analyst

Technology stack needed for Zeta app

  • Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Analytics: Google analytics
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Payment gateway: Square API
  • Back end: Node.js, Express.js
  • Framework: Mgento for desktop, Laravel for mobile
  • Language: JAVA, HTML, CSS
  • Storage: Amazon cloud storage
  • Location: Google maps
  • User location: Core location

What are the costs of developing a digital wallet like Zeta?

The cost to build an app like Zeta depends on various factors, like the technology used for app creation, the size of the team, the platform on which the app is built, the country, and a few more things. The main issue to be stressed here is that one should never compromise on the technology part as well as the team part, because that is going to help your app have a bright future. We have tried to summarise the costs of building an app like Zeta for you below:



United Kingdom

$90 - $250


$119 - $150

United States of America

  $150 - $180

Middle East Asia

$100 - $120

To hire an app developer in India

$15 - $75

South East Asia

$50 - $75

Why choose Duplex Technologies for mobile app development?

We have plenty of reasons to give you:

  1. Best app development services
  2. Affordable prices
  3. Full support during and after app development
  4. Latest technology used

Contact Duplex Technologies for Zeta app development

If you want to build an app like Zeta at an affordable cost, then you must visit the Duplex Technologies website or give us a call at +91-9452000089. We will help you build the best digital wallet app. Get in touch with us now, and let’s discuss.

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FAQs Related To How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Zeta and Features

Zeta is an online platform that caters to all the payment needs of its users. We can make transactions online and develop a whole digital wallet in Zeta.

If you are looking for a company that will provide you with an affordable budget for developing a digital wallet app, then you must contact +91-9452000089 or visit the Duplex Technologies website.

It does not take much time to build a digital wallet app like Zeta. Hire a technology company to save you time and effort.

Technology stack to develop an app like Zeta: Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS, Back end: Node.js, Express.js, Database: MongoDB, Payment gateway: Square API.

Duplex Technologies is the best mobile app development company that provides the best mobile app development services at an affordable cost.


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