How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like whatsapp and features?

Are you planning to build an app like WhatsApp and want to know about app software development? Duplex Technologies explains here how to develop apps like WhatsApp.

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App Like WhatsApp and Features? | messenger app development - Duplex Technologies

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like whatsapp and features?

Posted By : Mohd Rahil,  Posted Date : Jan 09, 2024

Introduction of chatting app like WhatsApp

Informational apps have become an essential part of our daily lives in a world where the internet has no boundaries. Despite the abundance of informational platforms, WhatsApp remains a global icon. WhatsApp's end-to-end encrypted chats, smooth user interface, and many other features have helped it gain over billions of users worldwide, which makes it one of the best chatting apps. However, have you ever wondered what it takes to make an app like WhatsApp? What is the secret recipe for its success, and how much would it cost to develop apps like WhatsApp? So here, Duplex Technologies will help you by providing all the information related to mobile app development.

About WhatsApp and its features

WhatsApp is a messenger app which allows users to send voice, text, and video messages, etc. Additionally, voice and video calls are also available. WhatsApp allows users to share documents, photos, locations, and many more, and it may also be used for transactions these days.  

  • Text Messaging: WhatsApp's primary function may be as a content-informing program that lets users send text messages to individuals or groups. It is a preferred option for both personal and business communication due to its straightforward and reliable informational value.
  • Voice Calls: WhatsApp added features for voice calls, enabling users to have online voice conversations. This rivals traditional phone conversations and is particularly well-known in areas with restricted access to voice call services.
  • Video Calls: WhatsApp now has the ability to make video calls, building on its popularity with voice calls; this feature will be added later.

Media Sharing: WhatsApp users can share multiple media contents, like images, videos, voice messages, documents, and even location information. Because of its adaptability, it can serve as a one-stop solution for many communication requirements.

Factors Influencing the cost of mobile application development

Here we mentioned some of the factors that can affect the cost of  mobile application and development, which are as follows:

  • iOS app development: The development of iOS apps often comes with greater initial costs because Apple-specific software and hardware, including Mac laptops, are needed. Nevertheless, because they run in a more regulated environment, iOS apps might require less ongoing maintenance.
  • Android app development: Although developing for Android can initially be more affordable, the variety of Android devices and modifications may result in increased testing and compatibility expenses.
  • Messaging Features: Key informational elements such as audio, video, and content calls; interactive media sharing; and group chats.
  • End to End encryption: strong security features that are similar to WhatsApp's encryption are being implemented.
  • Notifications: Call and message thrust notices in real time.
  • User profiles: It includes creating and managing client profiles, keeping track of contacts, and updating status updates.
  • UI/UX Design: Creating a smooth and engaging interface attracts users and makes them spend more time on your app.
  • Setting up servers: Server development is the process of setting up databases, servers, and cloud infrastructure to manage client communications and information.
  • Data security: securing data by means of client verification, encryption, and secure information storage.

Other Features: If necessary, you can add other features, including voice messages, location sharing, stickers, and business WhatsApp specific features.  

How much money does it cost to develop a WhatsApp-like app? | Duplex Technologies

Here, Duolex Technologies gives you a general idea about the app development cost. It ranges from $25,000 to $2,000,000, depending upon the technical advancement of the application. To give you a clear picture of mobile app development cost, we have given a price list below, along with time and cost. 

Basic App (with simple feature)

two to three months

Between $25,000 - $35,000

Medium App (with some upgraded features)

four to seven months  

Between $35,000 - $45,000


Advanced App (with advanced features)

eight to twelve months 

starts at $50,000.

Technology used to create an app similar to WhatsApp

Here we summarised some of the important technologies used to build an application like WhatsApp. You can get a rough idea about tech stacks from the following list:


Technology used

Frontend Framework

Flutter, Xamarin, and Vue.js

Backend Framework

Django, Flask, and Ruby on Rails


MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Firebase Realtime Database

Real-time Messaging

Firebase Cloud Firestore, XMPP


OAuth 2.0, Auth0, and Firebase Authentication

Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure, Heroku, and IBM Cloud

Server Hosting

AWS Lambda, DigitalOcean, and Heroku

Push Notifications

OneSignal, Pusher, and Twilio

Version Control

Git, Bitbucket, and SVN

API Documentation

Postman, API Blueprint, and RAML

Mobile SDK

React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin

Messaging SDK

Twilio Programmable Chat, SendBird, Pusher Chatkit, Contus Fly SDK, ChatSDK, ApphiTect SDK, CometChat SDK, and Mesibo SDK

Authentication SDK

Firebase Authentication SDK, Auth0 SDK

Push Notification SDK

Firebase Cloud Messaging SDK, OneSignal SDK, and Twilio Notify SDK

Tech team required to Develop an App like WhatsApp

Here we explain some of the important tech teams you need to hire for mobile phone application development, like WhatsApp.

  • UI/UX Designer, Product Manager
  • Mobile App Developers (iOS and Android)
  •  Backend Developers 
  • QA Testers Product Manager
  • QA Testers and developers
  •  Product Manager Development Team QA Team
  • Developers for the back end
  • Supervisors of projects

Quality Assurance Professionals

Contact Duplex Technologies for mobile app development

When developing apps like WhatsApp, the mobile app development team must keep security and privacy issues in mind. The engineers ensure that only authorized individuals may access the database and that it is secure. One of the top companies that offer app development for mobile is Duplex Technologies, which handles a variety of app software development projects and can guide you on how to create apps that function like WhatsApp or with WhatsApp clone app. We also provide you with application comments for developing your app. We have been concentrating on developing products that deal with cyber security threats to make you safe from hacker attacks. Are you eager to create apps like WhatsApp that will enable users to communicate with others without having to worry about losing their data? So, contact the professionals at Duplex Technologies by calling at  +91-9452000089

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FAQs Related To How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like whatsapp and features?

It ranges from $25,000 to $2,000,000, depending upon the technical advancement of the application.

WhatsApp works in a programming language called Erlang.

While some messaging applications use in-app purchases or subscriptions, others only search for sponsors and advertisements.

Factors like developing an app for iOS or Android, messaging features, end to end encryption,user interface, ux/ui design, etc. can affect the building cost of an app.

The time needed to create an app similar to WhatsApp varies depending on the developer's expertise level and the functionality of the app, It may take two to twelve months, depending on your choice to develop an app like basic, medium, or advanced.


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