How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Urban Company

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Build an App like Urban Company: Your Home Services App | Contact Us!

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Urban Company

Posted By : Ambesh Mishra,  Posted Date : Jul 01, 2024

Introduction: Build an App like Urban Company

Looking to tap into the booming home services app market like Urban Company app? Duplex Technologies has got you covered! In today's fast-paced world, build your app like Urban Company has become indispensable, offering convenience at your fingertips. From booking beauty services to scheduling home repairs, these apps have revolutionized how we handle everyday tasks.

Urban Company, with its vast reach spanning over 5 countries and 63 cities, boasts a staggering 10 Million+ satisfied customers. With a network of 45,000+ skilled professionals, it's no wonder it's the go-to choice for many.

If you're eager to join the league and build your own home services app, our blog is your ultimate guide. We'll walk you through the essentials, starting with understanding Urban Company's successful business model.

Business Model of Urban Company App

Urban Company app, formerly known as UrbanClap. Founded in 2014 by Abhiraj Bhal, Varun Khaitan, and Raghav Chandra, this app revolutionizes the way we access home services.

Firstly, Urban Company operates on a commission-based model. It charges a percentage of the total service fee from its registered service providers, like 15% for cleaning services and 20% for electrical work.

Secondly, there's the lead generation model. Here, Urban Company earns from each lead or customer the service provider connects with. Users can request services, and Urban Company matches them with pre-screened service providers who then bid for the job.

Lastly, the app utilizes an advertising model. Urban Company displays ads on its platform, targeting users based on their interests and location. Service providers pay a fee for each ad they run.

With these innovative approaches, Urban Company ensures seamless connections between users and service providers across various categories.

How to build an app like Urban Company?

Build app like Urban Company might seem like a difficult task, but fear not! We've broken down the process to develop an app into six easy-to-follow steps just for you.

  • Define Your Concept and Audience: Start by understanding what your app aims to achieve and who your target users are. Whether it's connecting homeowners with local experts for plumbing, cleaning, or painting, knowing your audience's needs is key.
  • Conduct Market Research: Dive deep into your target market's preferences and behaviours. Understand your competition, market size, and growth potential to make informed decisions.
  • Choose App Features Wisely: Select features that align with your app's concept and cater to your users' needs. Think about user profiles, easy booking processes, payment integration, and more.
  • Design a User-Friendly Interface: Your app's design should be intuitive and visually appealing. Clear instructions, high-quality images, and consistent design elements are essential for engaging users.
  • Develop Your App: Turn your design and features into reality by coding the front-end and back-end of your app. Prioritize scalability, security, and cross-platform compatibility during development.
  • Test, Launch, and Improve: Before launching your app, conduct thorough testing with a small group of users. Once launched, gather feedback and continuously improve your app to stay ahead of the competition.

By following these steps and staying true to your app's concept and audience, you can create an app like Urban Company that caters to the needs of your community.

Must have features of an app like Urban Company

At Duplex Technologies, we understand the need for a comprehensive  app development company that mirrors the success of Urban Company. To ensure your app stands out, we've best app developers who crafted a must-have feature list for the customer, service provider, delivery, and admin apps.

  • User Registration and Login: Seamlessly create accounts and manage profiles.
  • Service Categories: Easily browse and select services from categorized listings.
  • Service Request and Booking: Submit detailed service requests and schedule appointments.
  • Real-time Chat: Communicate effortlessly with service providers for clarifications.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Provide valuable feedback through ratings and reviews.
  • Secure Payment Integration: Ensure reliable transactions with secure payment gateways.
  • Geolocation Services: Connect with nearby service providers for quick assistance.
  • Push Notifications: Stay updated on service status and appointment reminders.
  • User Dashboard: Personalize your experience with a dashboard to manage requests, appointments, and payments.

By incorporating these features, your app will thrive in the competitive market. Partner with us, an experienced app building company, to bring your vision to life and create mobile app that exceeds expectations.

Cost to build an app like Urban Company

Our expert team at Duplex Technologies sheds light on this crucial aspect. The answer to the burning question, "how much does it cost to build an app like Urban Company?" lies in various factors. On average, the development of such an app can range from $10,000 to $50,000. However, this figure is not set in stone and can fluctuate depending on several key elements.

To give you a clearer picture, let's take a look at the table below, outlining the features that contribute to the app development cost:



User Interface

Intuitive design for seamless navigation

Service Listings

Comprehensive catalog of services

Booking System

Smooth process for scheduling appointments

Payment Gateway

Secure and hassle-free payment transactions

Ratings & Reviews

Feedback system for service providers


Integration for efficient service allocation

Remember, the final cost may vary based on factors like the extent of features, app complexity, platforms targeted, team location, and more. Trust Duplex Technologies to guide you through every step of the app development journey.

Why choose Duplex Technologies to build a home services app like Urban Company?


Duplex Technologies


User-friendly Interface



Security Measures



Customization Options (build an app like Urban Company)






Reliable Support



Duplex Technologies provides a comprehensive solution to create a home services app that includes user-friendly interfaces, strong security measures, vast customization choices, scalability for future expansion, and dependable support, making it the best choice for developing a delivery app like Urban Company.

Contact Duplex Technologies to build an app like Urban

Looking to create a home services app? Look nowhere than Duplex Technologies! We specialize in developing top-notch apps like Urban Company. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your requirements and build a tailored solution that meets your needs. Contact us today at +91-9452000089 to get started on your home services app journey!

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FAQs Related To How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Urban Company

The cost to develop an app like Urban Company usually ranges from $10,000 to $50,000, depending on factors such as features, complexity, and platform.

Key features include user registration, service categories, booking system, real-time chat, reviews & ratings, secure payment integration, geolocation services, push notifications, and a user dashboard.

Urban Company operates on a commission-based model, lead generation model, and advertising model, earning revenue from service fees, connecting users with service providers, and displaying targeted ads.

Follow six steps: define your concept and audience, conduct market research, choose app features wisely, design a user-friendly interface, develop your app, test, launch, and continuously improve.

Duplex Technologies offers a comprehensive solution with user-friendly interfaces, strong security measures, vast customization choices, scalability, and reliable support, making it the best choice for developing an app like Urban Company.


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