How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Sudoko and features?

Looking for the best game app developers to build an app like Sudoku? Duplex Technologies provides the best app development services. Call now at +91-9452000089.

How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Sudoku and Features?

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Sudoko and features?

Posted By : Mohd Rahil,  Posted Date : Jan 10, 2024

Introduction of gaming app like Sudoku

Sudoku is a puzzle game that attracts users for countless hours. We are all so busy in our hectic lives these days; therefore, it is very essential to play a puzzle-solving game that relaxes our mind and makes us feel fresh. Sudoku is one such game that can rejuvenate your mind after a quick session. It is becoming very popular among teenagers and adults these days. So if you’re interested in building a puzzle game app like Sudoku, then you must know everything about it.

Duplex Technologies has a team of expert game app developers that will help you with the best puzzle game app, like Sudoku. But before getting into the intricate details of how to build an app like Sudoku, let us first understand what Sudoku is and how it works.

About Sudoku

Sudoku is the best puzzle game because it has the capacity to keep its users glued to solving the puzzle. It is very helpful in relieving work stress, and at the same time, it also freshens up your mind. There are a lot of puzzle apps like Sudoku these days, and it is an increasing market. These games add fun to the lives of their users, and spending time on these apps makes your brain sharper. Sudoku games have attracted a lot of users in recent days, and people are shifting towards puzzle games like these. So if you are thinking to make an app like Sudoku, then now is the perfect time. Duplex Technologies is the best choice if you want Sudoku game app development at an affordable rate.

How do you build a game app like Sudoku?

It is very easy to build an app like Sudoku when you have a team of experts helping you. Let us now go through all the steps in detail and understand what it takes to build a puzzle game platform:

  1. Market Analytics: Before building any new application, the first step is to go through the similar apps available on the market. In this way, we can compare what good features are there and what we can add to our app to differentiate it from those that already exist. Finding a differentiator is very helpful because you can advertise your app by focusing on the pain points of the users, and as they find it relevant, it will be easier to help them use our app. It will also create instant hype, and we will have successful downloads of the application.
  2. Choosing the platform: The second step is finding the correct platform for your puzzle game online app development. Finding the right platform with the help of the experts is very necessary, as it will help the app sustain longer. You also need to understand that it is very important to use the latest technology. Although it might increase the cost to build an app like Sudoku, it will be beneficial in the long run. Your app should also be capable of running on different platforms, like Android, iOS, and Windows, so that it attracts a large number of users. 
  3. Designing the app: The app design should be fantastic, as it is feature that is going to attract users in the first place. Also, make sure that it has the best interface, which is user-friendly. The main point of a game app is that the user should enjoy the interface; only then will he spend time on the application.
  4. Technology stack: The next step is using the right technology. The application's performance should be very good. You should also make sure that the application is highly responsive so that the user engages with the application. 
  5. Testing the application: When the application has been finally developed, it should be tested under multiple pressure conditions to see its performance. Only when the application passes all the tests successfully should it be launched on different platforms so users can download it. 
  6. Launching the application: After the app has been successfully tested, it should be launched on different platforms, like the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, so that users can download it. 

Team required to build an app like Sudoku

We have summarised below the essential team required to build an app like Sudoku. Make sure you hire experts so that your app is smooth and the users enjoy it. 

mobile app developers

UI/UX designer

Project manager

DevOps engineer

Front-end developer

Web developer

Back-end developer

Business analyst

Technology stack needed for Sudoku mobile app

  • Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Analytics: Google analytics
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Payment gateway: Square API
  • Back end: Node.js, Express.js
  • Framework: Mgento for desktop, Laravel for mobile
  • Language: JAVA, HTML, CSS
  • Storage: Amazon cloud storage
  • Location: Google maps
  • User location: Core location

What are the costs of developing a game app like Sudoku?

The cost to build an app like Sudoku depends on a lot of factors, like the technology used, the team size, the platform on which it is built, the country, and a few other things. The main point to be stressed here is that you should not compromise on the technology or the team part because that is only going to help your app have a bright future. We have tried to summarise the cost for you below:



United Kingdom

$90 - $250


$119 - $150

United States of America

  $150 - $180

Middle East Asia

$100 - $120

To hire an app developer in India

$15 - $75

South East Asia

$50 - $75

Why choose Duplex Technologies for mobile app development?

There are multiple reasons to choose Duplex Technologies to build sudoku puzzle-like applications. We have the best and most affordable technology team that will put in their efforts day and night to build a Sudoku online application for you. We assure you that we will help you in the full app development process and will also be by your side after the development to solve all the upcoming problems. We are the most reliable and affordable mobile app development company. 

Try our mobile app development services for once, and you are sure to come back asking for more. 

Contact Duplex Technologies for online ticket booking app development

If you want to build an app like Sudoku at an affordable cost, then visit the Duplex Technologies website or contact us at +91-9452000089. We will help you build the best online gaming app. Get in touch with us now, and let’s discuss.

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FAQs Related To How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Sudoko and features?

Sudoku is an online puzzle game app that keeps its users glued to solving the puzzles online. It is a very trending puzzle game app and is liked a lot by young users.

If you are looking for a company that will provide you with an affordable budget for developing a puzzle game app, then you must contact +91-9452000089 or visit the Duplex Technologies website.

It does not take much time to build a puzzle game app like Sudoku. Hire a technology company to save you time and effort.

Technology stack to develop an app like Sudoku: Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS, Back end: Node.js, Express.js, Database: MongoDB, Payment gateway: Square API.

Duplex Technologies is the best mobile app development company that provides the best mobile app development services at an affordable cost.


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