How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like junlge rummy and features?

Looking for the best game app developers to build an app like Junglee Rummy? Duplex Technologies provides the best app development services. Call now at +91-9452000089.

How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Junglee Rummy and Features?

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like junlge rummy and features?

Posted By : Mohd Rahil,  Posted Date : Jan 11, 2024

Introduction of Junglee Rummy game

Junglee Rummy is an online platform that allows its users to play the most authentic rummy game in real-time with real users and win real cash prizes. The Junglee Rummy game is becoming very popular amongst its users, as they get the most authentic rummy experience. These apps allow you to earn money online in your free time. So if you are thinking about game app development, like Junglee Rummy, then visit the Duplex Technologies website, as we have the best mobile game app developers. We are the best and most affordable mobile game development company. 

Before getting into the intricate details of mobile app development, let us first understand what the Junglee Rummy game app is and how it works. 

About Junglee Rummy

Junglee Rummy is an online rummy game app that allows its users to earn money. People play online Junglee Rummy games and earn money in their leisure time. Rummy apps like these keep their users engaged with the mobile application for a long time. The youth of today are spending a lot of their time playing games on these apps and earning money. So if you want to  build an app like Junglee Rummy, then now is the perfect time. Let us understand the process of Android game development for the Junglee Rummy app

How do you build a game app like Junglee Rummy?

It is very easy to build an app like Junglee Rummy if you hire an efficient technology team. There are steps and processes that go into mobile app development. Let us go through them:

  1. Market Analytics: The first thing that is to be done while making an online application is to go through the similar apps existing on the Play Store. We need to pick up what is wrong on these platforms and think about how we can add it to our platform. If we are able to add that, we can advertise about it, and automatically we will get users for our app.
  2. Choosing the platform: After figuring out the solutions, we then move on to deciding the platform on which we can build our application. We must remember here that our app should be compatible with different platforms, like Android, iOS, and Windows, so that it attracts a large number of users. The more people it attracts, the better it is to make our business profitable. 
  3. Designing the app: The next thing that comes in line is designing the application. It should be very appealing, and at the same time, it should have the capacity to engage users. The game apps should have this thing of catching the attention of the users so that they can spend more time on the application.
  4. Technology stack: The technology should be very strong and recent. We should make sure that our application is highly responsive so that users like interacting with it. One must remember here that using the updated technology might increase the Junglee Rummy app development cost, but it will prove to be beneficial in the long run. It will earn us good profits if we invest in technology from the beginning.
  5. Testing the application: After the application is successfully built, the next step is to test the app under multiple pressure conditions to see its performance. If the application passes all the tests, it is ready to be launched; otherwise, we will rework it and rectify the mistakes. 
  6. Launching the application: When the app passes all the tests, it is then launched on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Our team stays in touch with you even after the app is launched to solve any upcoming issues. 

Technology team required to build an app like Junglee Rummy

There is a full team required to build an app like Junglee Rummy. We have summarised it for you below: 

mobile app developers

UI/UX designer

Project manager

DevOps engineer

Front-end developer

Web developer

Back-end developer

Business analyst

Make sure you hire experts so that the app development process is smooth and efficient. 

Technology stack needed for Junglee Rummy mobile app technology

  • Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Analytics: Google analytics
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Payment gateway: Square API
  • Back end: Node.js, Express.js
  • Framework: Mgento for desktop, Laravel for mobile
  • Language: JAVA, HTML, CSS
  • Storage: Amazon cloud storage
  • Location: Google maps
  • User location: Core location

What are the costs of developing a game app like Junglee Rummy?

The cost to build an app like Junglee Rummy depends on various factors, like the technology used, the size of the team, the platform used to build the app, the country, and a few more things. The main thing that is to be stressed here is that one should not sacrifice on the technology or the technology team part because that is only going to help your application have a successful future. We have summarised the cost for you below:



United Kingdom

$90 - $250


$119 - $150

United States of America

  $150 - $180

Middle East Asia

$100 - $120

To hire an app developer in India

$15 - $75

South East Asia

$50 - $75

Why choose Duplex Technologies for mobile app development?

There are not just one but many reasons to choose Duplex Technologies for your Junglee Rummy app development:

  1. We have a team of the best mobile game app developers that will put all their efforts into building an app for you. 
  2. We will make sure that the cost to develop an app like Junglee Rummy fits your pocket easily. 
  3. Our team ensures that the Junglee Rummy game application testing is done thoroughly to avoid any last minute issues. 
  4. Our team uses the best technology and gives full support even after the app is launched.

Try our app development services, and we are sure that you will really like them. 

Contact Duplex Technologies for online Junglee Rummy game app development

We are the best Junglee Rummy game app development company because we will provide you with the best features at the most affordable cost. If you want to build an app like Sudoku at an affordable cost, then visit the Duplex Technologies website or contact us at +91-9452000089. We will help you build the best online gaming app. Get in touch with us now, and let’s discuss.

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FAQs Related To How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like junlge rummy and features?

Junglee Rummy is the most authentic online rummy-playing app that allows its users to play in real-time with real players and win real cash prizes.

Duplex Technologies is the best company that can provide you with a cost-effective mobile game app development solution.

It does not take much time to build an app like Junglee Rummy. Hire an efficient tech team to make the process faster and smoother.

Technology stack to develop an app like Junglee Rummy: Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS, Back end: Node.js, Express.js, Database: MongoDB, Payment gateway: Square API.

Duplex Technologies is one of the best mobile app development companies that provides the best game mobile app development services at a very reasonable cost.


We are delivering business solutions at every stage.
We would be happy to discuss your idea or project with you in person.